Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Little More Organized | Boudoir Portraiture by Novella Photography

Hi Everyone!  In lieu of acquiring more family clients I recently decided to change my photography business name to Novella Photography!  Not to worry, this blog as well as my La Coquette site will not change but will merely represent the Boudoir "division" of Novella and provide a nice buffer for filtering the sexy swank from my more family-oriented content ;P.

As a result of this change, I have created a great "Main" site for Novella Photography, which you may access here:

Here, you can view my most recent galleries for Weddings, Maternity, Family and general Portraiture.  Pricing, packages and promotions for the above-mentioned are also located here.

The La Coquette Site has been fully-renoed and you may access the Boudoir content at the same site:

Thank you all SO much for understanding the division and please feel free to check both sites frequently for great promotions, updates, and featured galleries!

Take special care!
